Special Machinery

Special Machinery

Special machines have been created for the bookbinding and paper converting sector, such as sheet collectors and page turners for spiral books.

We have built machines according to customer needs, developing new systems to integrate with existing functions and thus improving productivity. In other cases, new solutions have been created for tasks previously performed manually.

Equipment for testing and calibrating measurement systems

In the automotive sector, we have created robotic automation for testing a "unique" measurement system, which has led the manufacturer to become the world record holder for this product.

Hub lamination bench - Rim drilling bench

For a leading company in the production of components for racing bicycles, we have created several one-of-a-kind machines.

Spraying systems

For the textile and leather goods sector, we create complete, high-tech product spraying systems that can be inserted independently on production lines.

Toothpick inserting machine for food

For a leading company in the design of innovative food products, we have designed and built machines that allow special treatments according to customer needs.


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